January Updates
Howdy and Happy New Year! We had a quiet but productive start to 2018; I'm pumped to share what we've been up to.
Link analytics
You can now gain insight into exactly what links folks are clicking on and reading!
Embedded tweets
You can now paste Tweet URLs and they'll automatically get converted into embedded tweets, saving you time and energy.
Nicer scheduling
The scheduling mechanism has been replaced with something a little less janky and confusing. (Everyone hated UTC. Myself included.)
On next week's episode...
My product roadmap is, as ever, prone to flights of fancy, but here's what's on the docket for February:
- Continuing to refine and improve tweet embedding. (It handles embedded links sort of oddly, amongst other things.)
- Getting the API ready for public consumption. (If you have strong feelings on this, let me know!)
- A stand-alone analytics page.
Spread the word!
If you've enjoyed using Buttondown, share it with a friend! More people using Buttondown means more time and energy I can justify working on it.
Have a great February!
As always, reply or reach out if there's anything I can help with.
This option of 'Embedded tweets' into e-mails is very useful, it guarantees a more interesting dynamism for the user. Buttondown has once again impressed us!