Updates from February
It is a new calendar year, which means it is time to rewrite the analytics engine and experience to make it better for you. Huzzah!
- The weekly report now contains way more metrics, including your favorites.
- You can also subscribe to a monthly report, if you like thinking in a longer-term lens.
- Everything’s faster.
- And cleaner.
- And more accessible.
- We’ve got more metrics, and the ones you care about most.
Small stuff
- We now automatically organize tags in a key:value syntax, to make it easier to collect complex information about a subscriber.
- Subscribers can now tag themselves because we’ve expanded the functionality of your default subscription form!
- You can now use subscriber IDs as template variables.
- You can now filter subscribers by any coupons that you’ve applied to them.
(And, as always, a hundred other minor paper cuts, performance improvements, bug fixes, and more.)
From the blog
We’ve written all about one of the vaguest (and yet most useful!) concepts that every enterprising newsletter-er learns to grapple with to level up their business: the lead magnet.
Read all about it here.
What’s next
- All that analytics stuff with which I led the email? There’s still a bit of nail-clipping and polish to work on: adding a few more metrics, making sure it’s nicely documented, that kind of thing.
- It is still eminently obvious that the settings page and first-run experience needs some TLC, and a big rewrite of that — to make it easier for you to spin up your newsletter, and to navigate around the labrynthine list of settings and inputs — is well-underway.
- We’re almost live with a brand-new documentation site, which is not just prettier (though it is, I dare say, prettier!) but smarter, faster, and better organized to make it easier for you to find exactly what you’re looking for.
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